Google Drive goes way cheap, but how do Dropbox, Copy, Box and Microsoft's OneDrive stack up in terms of pricing?

With Google Drive lowering its prices today, the online storage wars are heating up. And that's not to say that there isn't a reason to use one provider over another just because it's cheaper — different services have different features, and some may be easier to use than others. Fortunately, most also have free trials, and any storage provider worth its salt is going to give you a few gigabytes of space for free anyway to try to get you to stick around. Let's take a look at a few of the major cloud storage providers and see how pricing stacks up. We'll leave it up to you to pick your favorite, but this should give a good idea of what you'll pay, as of today. It's worth noting, of course, that most cloud storage providers also give the opportunity to earn free space, either by spamming your friends with referral requests, or as part of a promotion with another company. (For instance, Dropbox used to give free space when you logged in from a number of smartphones, though we've seen that switch to Google Drive of late.) In fact, it's entirely possible to have more than enough storage without ever paying a dime. Also, there are usually corporate pricing options, which may get you a buttload of space at your boss' expense, so it's worth asking about that, too. And services like Copy and (especially) Box have options for multiple users. What follows here, however, is a snapshot of what the Average Joe might pay. Have at it.

Google Drive

  • 15GB — Free
  • 100GB — $1.99 a month
  • 1TB — $9.99 a month
  • 10TB or more — $99.99 a month
More on Google Drive pricing here. (Must be logged in.) Download Google Drive for Android here.


  • 2GB — Free
  • 100GB — $9.99 a month ($99 if paid yearly)
  • 200GB — $19.99 a month ($199 yearly)
  • 500GB — $49.99 a month ($499 yearly)
More on Dropbox pricing here. Download Dropbox for Android here.


  • 15GB — Free
  • 250GB — $9.99 a month ($99 if paid yearly)
  • 500GB — $14.99 a month ($149 a year)
More on Copy's pricing here. Download Copy for Android here.

Microsoft OneDrive

  • 50GB — $4.49 a month ($25 if paid yearly)
  • 100GB — $7.49 a month ($50 yearly)
  • 200GB — $11.49 a month ($100 yearly)
More on One Drive's pricing here. (Must be logged in.) Download Microsoft OneDrive for Android here.


  • 10GB — Free
  • 100GB — $10 a month
More on Box pricing here. Download Box for Android here.

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